If this semester has taught me anything besides the actual school material I need to know, it’s that perseverance is by far one of the most needed qualities in life.  Once, twice, sometimes three times a week I sit down for an entire night, sacrificing sleep for the hope that I will have joy from a good test grade.  Perseverance doesn’t come from continuing on through success though, it comes from rising above your failures, learning from them, and accomplishing something that you couldn’t before.  It’s pushing so hard you think of little else than the final goal of whatever it is you are striving for.  For me, that goal is graduating in the long run, but for now passing tests and making it out alive.  Perseverance by definition is a state of persistence through anything including obstacles, difficulties, and discouragement.  Now honestly, I have not done particularly well in some of the tests I have taken this semester, but it’s at these times you need to stand up, look yourself in the mirror, and stare into your soul.  Force yourself to become better than what you may think of yourself at the moment, force yourself to ignore people who think you can’t do it, but mostly force yourself to overcome your own personal obstacles you have set up mentally.  Overcome doubt in yourself.  Overcome the discouragement of failure.  Overcome your negative thoughts.  Become more than you could ever imagine by digging deep within yourself to prove you can do something you once though you couldn’t.  Forget about everyone and everything else and focus on what you need to do to get to the stage of preparedness you need for whatever it is you are accomplishing.  It may sound cliché, but the phrase “Be all you can be” is not only something military personnel should think and achieve.  Every person, in every way can become what they want to be with perseverance.  You can do what you can do, but only if you push yourself to get there.  Perseverance to me is a characteristic trait I am slowly getting the hang of, it is something I wish I had my entire life, and it is something I wish for everyone to have.  Think hard and long about something you wish you could do or want to do and don’t only aim for it, aim for the next highest thing.  “Always aim for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” (W. Clement Stone) That phrase really puts everything I’m saying into perspective and makes you think about everything that could be accomplished if you aim higher than anything you ever thought imaginable.  I’m trying to get into a D.O. or P.A. program after undergraduate studies, this is my goal, yes I have failed tests, and even an entire class. I’m not perfect.  It’s what I choose to do with these failures that define me as a person.  What are your goals and how are you going to push yourself to overcome obstacles you face to surpass any goal you set for yourself?


-Eric Welter